As natural as life and love and light can combine, that was the wedding of Anna and Madison on a summer evening in July.
Madison grew up as a country boy on hundreds of acres of lush land just outside Atlanta. And by the looks of a handsome family trophy room, he knows a thing or two about a good hunt. When we met Anna and learned about her earthy style, crafty nature and easy going lifestyle, it was not hard to see why she would be his perfect catch! Whether it was the warm evening light of a late summer sun, the candle light illuminating their ceremony or the sheer radiant love they have for each other, these two were aglow the entire day. It was such a pleasure to be there to capture every moment of it!
Enriched in this evening were so many handmade and heartfelt elements. For the first time, the guys were "getting ready" before the girls! Well, in their own way. As we drove up a windy drive lined with white fences to Madison's family home, we met a group of guys already hard at work roasting a pig for the reception dinner. That's about where I lost Bryan and went on to find the girls plugging in curling irons and searching for hairstyle ideas. Other special touches that made this day completely their own? Well, the bride's sister and a good friend made the bouquets, another bridesmaid created handmade earrings for the party, the groom designed the engagement ring and band, the bride's mother made the wedding cake, and--the ultimate icing to the cake--Anna and her mom made, yes sewed together, her wedding dress! This was all so amazing and inspiring on so many levels...beginning with the fact that my sewing skills stop at buttons. Let's begin with the romantic masterpiece:
The way the entire day was layered and created like rich pieces of fabric was so beautifully represented by the amazing bridesmaid dresses--which were essentially long rectangles of fabric these girls creatively crafted and personalized into gorgeous dresses.
After some fun pre-ceremony photos of the wedding party, we set up a secretive spot in the backyard for Anna and Madison to see each other for the first time away from the hustle and bustle of the day. These first moments were quiet and beautiful. And we let them be just so.

Scheduling their ceremony after dusk meant two really neat things: 1. Anna and Madison read their vows by candlelight under the night sky, and 2. pre-ceremony family portraits were taken in the golden late evening light. In the photography world, we call this the "magic hour," but I'm pretty sure these things made for at least two magic hours on this night!

Madison and Anna, thank you for allowing us to take part in and document such an intimate and beautiful wedding. Your love for life and each other was made perfectly clear under the big open sky and we wish you all the best! (And we certainly wouldn't mind if you let us know the next time you fire up the grill!)
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