
Monday, April 30, 2012

cotton anniversary.

Has it really been two years? I thought we were still newly weds! {In fact, I'm sure of it.}

Bryan and I just celebrated our second anniversary--and in style! We got spiffied up (without wearing all black) and headed out to dinner at Gordon Biersch and the opening night of Les Mis at the fabulous Fox

What an evening! I love sitting in the balcony seats at the Fox. With the blue sky and stars overhead, it makes you feel like you're actually a part of the production. And what a thrilling show it was. Every song arrests your soul. Such strong lyrics and voices to carry them: 
"To love another person is to see the face of God." 

I'm so blessed to be married to such a wonderful man who supports my every endeavor. Every day we look at each other and can't believe we get to be who we are and do what we do. And being who we are the best we know how is a goal I'll happily continue to strive toward.

As for a few pictures from our fantastic evening, when you're carrying a clutch that won't fit your Canon, a few Instagram photos will certainly do! It's the memories that are most beautiful. Any reminder of these is perfect.

And the multi-talented Miss Mamie came to the rescue to help us celebrate our cotton anniversary by creating these beautiful quilt squares with leftover fabric from her parents' awesome company (yes, the whole family is uber talented). Since I'm sewing challenged, we try to get together every so often for craft nights where we have tons of creative fun...even though she spends much of her time untangling my messes. So excited to have something to cherish for years to come.


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