
Monday, December 17, 2012

hibbard family.

What a fun afternoon we had hanging out with the Hibbard family recently!

It was such a treat for us to get to know the entire family and watch how each of their unique and beautiful personalities adds to the bunch. Bryan studied Jazz under Mace's instruction back in college, but this was the first time we got to meet his fun and adventurous two kids and lovely wife.

Living in Atlanta, if you have not heard Mace play, you are supremely missing out! He continues to be an amazing educator, performer, composer and mentor--and catching his quintet play is such a quality Jazz experience. There is so much passion and precision in his work that I really appreciate as an artist. (If you don't want to take my word for it, he's got a grammy to prove it!) Whether you're a fan or fan-to-be, check out his site and get to a show. (You may find me at a small candlelit table with a manhattan in hand.) But until then, enjoy getting to know this family as we did--an uninhibited day in the woods with a ton of laughter echoing around the trees.

This may just be one of our favorite family portraits ever.

Thanks for such a great afternoon, Hibbard family! 


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